Wiccan Rede Research Paper

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Many times when we hear the word Rede we automatically jump to the Wiccan Rede, however the word Rede has been around much longer.
(3)The word Rede simply means counsel or advice. A guideline of how a person should behave. If I may quote from a reference:
Janet and Stewart Farrar: "The Rede is the philosophy of taking responsibility for your own actions during every moment of your life. It is of course a positive Law as opposed to the negative Laws of the Old and New Testaments. This immediately makes it a life affirming statement, but also means having to think about all your actions and what effects they will have on yourself, other people, society as a whole and your environment, not just now but also in the future."(3) (1)"Rede" is derived from an Old English word "roedan" which means to guide or direct. One common version of the Rede is: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt."(1) Wiccan Rede was written or conceived in the early 20th century, although its exact source is unknown and disputed. It's core maxim is: if you harm none, do what you will.

The Rede, in my opinion, is our way of following rules. To be honest, that's pretty much all I know about the Rede. To me, the Rede is like a bible that fits in …show more content…

Like any laws, there are consequences of the Rede is broke. I can't say what, because that has still been left to discover. I am actually finding a good source of research on this subject. Without the Rede, I Dont doubt there will be a big mess of things. From what I have learned, the Rede actually does protect the Wiccan pathways. I disciverex that in one of my hunts for what the Rede really meant. Studying and adding this into my pathway is something I defiantly need to do. I need to know the history, where the Rede came from. Who made it. Why it was made. In fact, I am certain I answered some of these questions while doing

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