Why We Are Militant Emmeline Pankhurst Analysis

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Emmeline Pankhurst: Why We Are Militant Women suffrage was a very serious thing within the history of America. It was very popular within America and other countries as well. More women began stating their opinions and voicing their thoughts about women suffrage as the era emerged. Their opinions were mainly focused on how much power they do not have compared to the men in their countries. The men in their society had so much power over them and anything that dealt with the environment they were in. This injustice disturbed many women and they felt they should do something about it. Women were treated differently because they were not men. Whether they were male or female caused many problems for them and it just was not fair. Women were not allowed to vote because of their this. Gender is what this speech is mainly about. Women began fighting these injustices after World War II. They started fighting for a way to be able to vote with the men in their society. This is the way that it should have been all along. These men had no problems in their society. Is it because they were always the ones with the hand of power? Perhaps so. However, this was the problem because women felt as though they should be able to do anything that the men could, equally. Women gave speeches in the public eye, hoping to get the “approval” to be voting in company with the men. They also wrote letters to people who held a higher power over them explaining and demanding answers as to why they felt it was right for women to be treated differently due to their gender. Along with the speeches and the writings, on a more physical and violent note, there were riots and marches. The plan for all the riots, marches, speeches, and writings is to tr... ... middle of paper ... ...men do not have it as hard as women do when it comes to their rights and everything. She asks “How is it, then, that some of you having nothing but ridicule and contempt… for women who are fighting for the exact same thing?” Many men in this time period, and some still today, thought that women were “too fine and too delicate” to be involved with such things as the government or politics. Men felt as though they should be the ones to handle all of the power and that the women should do what a woman is thought of to do, such as housework and things in that nature. This speech gave women an opportunity to speak up and speak about the rights that they deserved back in the 1900s. This allowed the people in the society and the government as well to better understand what women were going through and why they deserved their rights, just as much as the men in that time did.

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