Why Technology Has Corrupted USmmary

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Technology has separated people from each other allowing almost no contact between them. There is many things that technology has done to separate us, some of these are it takes away from us being able to contact with others in face to face interactions, people to buy things online and that item not be what they ordered, and it has made trading to where most people cannot check out the shipment to see if it is incorrect. People all over the planet are losing contact with others. Technology is ruining the way people use to talk to one another and making it all online email or texts from cell phones. James Harold the author of “why technology has corrupted us” once said “Technology is a corruption that separates us from who we really are.” Technology is advancing and dragging society down, it needs to just slow down and let people catch up with their former selves. First of all, technology has declined face to face interactions with one another. People in this world talk mostly through emails, phone calls, or through texts. The population of the world needs to interact with one another more often by actually seeing each other and communicating face to face. Society is being drained of friendly interactions with one another and no one is getting to actually see each other and talk …show more content…

Why can’t we just drive to a store and actually look at the items we are buying? Technology is making us buy things online that we do not need or something we do need but shows up as the wrong item. Shopping online is an unreliable way to get the items you need or want. Everyone should just drive to the stores and look at what they want or need. When you actually need something you want to check it out before you buy it, you cannot do that online because you cannot feel the item and really know the texture of

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