Why Study Sociology Essay

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Sociology has always fascinated me. I have always wanted to learn about people and the way their brain develops and the way they behave. What makes someone upset, angry, happy, etc? What part of your brain triggers you to feel an emotion? I study sociology because it gives me a better understanding of people. By studying sociology, I am able to solve issues and make comparisons to different habits.
Another reason I am studying sociology is because at the end of the day I can say I have helped another individual and that is extremely rewarding to me. Knowing that I have changed the way people view certain things, makes me happy. As long as I am helping someone 's day get better, that is all that matters to me. Sociology helps me have an open mind to our society and other ones. By focusing on attitudes, values, families, friends, government 's, behaviors, etc, it helps me understand what is around us.
I know that sociology is very important in today’s society. Sociology is very unique and pure. It helps form an apperance in people’s lives and communities. How do we figure out how certain things operate? Sociology does that trick. I am so proud of myself for taking different courses and learning so many different things to take on my future. Studying sociology has not only taught me so much, but has made me a better person inside and out. I …show more content…

Sociology is the key to human interaction. Without sociology, would there be human interaction? I am sure there would be but sociology is a main aspect of human interaction. On that note, social norms are a huge part of today’s society. Usually when you go out and interact with someone, you make a connection of some kind. Then, you start to develop actions which take place of those social norms. Sociology is a person to person interaction. Usually, everyone throughout the day is interacting with some individual, which is why sociology is used in everyday

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