Why Students Should Not Have Homework

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Imagine this. You have eight hours of school, you get out at 3:05pm, then let's say you do a sport or do some extracurricular activity and you don't get home till 6:00pm. This is just on a normal day. Some days you might have to do other things and go out even more before you get home. Even when you get home you still have other things to do at home besides homework. Homework could effect sleeping, could cause stress, could effect social time, and isnt the best for learning. Students should not have to homework over top of their already busy day.

The first reason students should not have homework is it could effect their sleeping schedule. Students already spend over half of the day at school learning. Students are tired when they come home. If a student has to do homework after an already busy day, they could be up past midnight trying to complete it. If a student doesn't do their homework, they almost always get some sort of zero and students wouldn't want that. Therefore, they might have to stay up very late to finish assignments. This could effect their performance at school the next day. This may even cause the student to fall asleep in class which means they would learn. Even if the teacher …show more content…

Most adults get angry or upset if they aren't able to spend time with their friends or family. Students should get the same respect. Some parents get mad at teenagers for staying in their room. Teens need to be able to be social without having to worry about homework that is due. Students have to go to school for most of the day, they should at least have the rest of the day to be with family and other social activities. Students also have hobbies and other interest they might want to do after school. If they do these interest while having homework they might be able to get it all done, or like I have said before, they might have to stay up

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