Why Should The Social Media Should Be Regulated?

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This world as we know is heading towards a more virtual era, where everything we need to know is under the palm of our hands. We have many devices such as smart phones, tablets, computers, which gives us access to an infinite amount of information. This virtual life style we are becoming accustomed to introduced us to social media. An increase amount of interaction is being built between known and unknown users from all around the world. Social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, twitter, and even tumbler have become an everyday routine of our daily lives. In this modern society, all these social media websites have brought about a significant amount of impact in many of us. It has really influenced its users on how to conduct their lives. …show more content…

Cyber bullying and online crime must be put at a stop. Parents and teachers should play a great role in regulating what their kids are doing on social media. Parents give their children smart phones, tablets, and computers but they fail to convey the proper way of using those tools. They should teach them the rules of being on social media by telling them from right to wrong. Parents don’t give their children a car to use without telling them the proper rules of how to drive the car. If they don’t teach them how to drive the car then that child wouldn’t know what to do about his or her car and may lead to an accident. This is the same way of how parents should also teach their kids of how to regulate on social media. There are many privacy settings on these social network sites which some kids are not aware off or simply do not care about. We should put an aware of these settings to them and teach them from right to wrong. Parents and teachers should also encourage their kids to come talk to them if they are facing any type of …show more content…

There should be no such thing online which would prevent you from showing to the government. Illegal images, prurient videos, cyber bullying, cyber fraud should all be prevented and should not be free for all. It should not be used as a weapon. The society should be protected against all these dangers. It is not a big deal for us to give up a little of our liberties in exchange for some given protections to our fellow citizens. This great amount of freedom is not really leading to anything positive or benefiting us to a great

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