Why Men And Women Are Complete Opposites

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Many people would agree that men and women are complete opposites. Our physical appearances, actions, and behavioral patterns are frequently contrasted by researchers and the general population. However, with modern day feminism, and what some would call, a gender revolution, it can be difficult these days to hastily stamp labels and categorize men and women. On the other hand, it would be incorrect to deny the fact that there are a few conspicuous behavioral patterns which are known to appear within certain sexes, many believe that this is the reason why men and women tend to miscommunicate and have issues with the opposite sex. Regardless of sex or gender identity, no two humans think the same or behave the same; This is what makes each human being unique. At times men and women indeed have difficulty understanding each other. However, I would say that instead of blaming the opposite sex, we should simply comprehend that we all differ from each other due to our many unique learning experiences.
If a person were to ask a random woman on the street to describe the way her husband communicates to her, she would likely say he is, “straight forward” and tends not to communicate at all in their relationship. She may also feel as though he does not listen to her. According to Deborah Tannen, this is a common misconception of men, and most men tend to listen, but differently than women do. To elaborate on this idea, Tannen refers to this as “silent attention”, where men remain quiet while listening to others in order to concentrate on the subject matter. (424) In addition to the misconception previously listed, it has been theorized that men also aim for different conversational goals than women. While Tannen has said that men create c...

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...ilical cord. Yet, it is still true that men and women behave differently, and this is because they tend to socialize with their own gender; Which has been taught certain patterns on how to communicate. Those groups continue with their own patterns in a never-ending cycle. However, none of these women or men choose to follow every pattern and that is why not all men get along with all men and the same for women. This is because although they encountered the groups as a child, they had other impacts in their life which affected them drastically. Thankfully we have this system which creates wonderful combinations of unique and fascinating people that keep the Earth in balance. With every person, we meet, we learn from each other and learn that no one is the same as another. This is what keeps the world in colorful motion instead of in a grey box with uniform ideology.

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