Why Kids Shouldn T Work

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I honestly think we should not have homework because school is long enough, family time is very important and kids have social activities like dance, sport and gym. With these reasons I will undoubtably convince you that we should not have homework at all. Firstly six hours of school is long enough for kids to work or study. Research from Leiden University show, that adults work similar hours to those of school children, and they come home exhausted. They find it difficult to understand that students find it hard to maintain concentration after a full day of school, while trying to complete at times hours of homework. With continuing demands on them, and excessive homework, getting up early, spending 6 hours at school and then to be expected to spend more time at home doing schoolwork is unacceptable. They are exhausted, stressed and unmotivated, …show more content…

Victoria University research shows, family time can bring benefits to a family such as happiness, togetherness and harmony. Spending time with family strengthens family ties. Also, families who enjoy group activities will develop can handle stressful situations with ease. In this busy day and age, it is a luxury for parents to spend time with their children. Making time for the family will allow you to teach your kids valuable life lessons like kindness and fairness. Also when parents come home they will be stressed and overworked rom work and so will children from school and family time will distress there mind. Family time will also create memories but if you do homework there will be no memories created. Consequently, kids will start to develop positive behaviours because loved ones influence them. A 2012 study reflected that children who ate regular meals with their families performed better in school. With this reason you can obviously see that younger children need time with there family instead of being in there room for a long period of time doing

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