Why Kids Should Not Have Homework

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Elementary aged kids should not have the burden of doing homework like high school or middle school aged kids. Three reasons for this include the fact that homework gets done by the parents, it causes mental and physical health issues and it causes lack of social ability skills. These three things are just a few possibilities of what can happen when an elementary kid has homework.
A problem with elementary students having homework is that their parents end up doing it just to get it over with. According to today.com there was a rule established by the National Education Association that limits the amount of homework any age kid, especially elementary should have to do. This is called “the 10 minute rule.” Kindergarten students should not get homework but first graders gets 10 minutes, second graders gets 20 and so on. This rule has been broken by teachers giving kindergarten students almost as much homework as a third grader should have. Because this rule is so often broken, parents are forced to step in and help their kids so they don’t look back on their life as all I did was homework. …show more content…

Healthline.com has said that “Students in high achieving neighborhoods who spend too much time on homework have more health problems, stress, and alienation from society.” Being sick of school is one thing, but when school is making you sick because of the homework you have now is bad. Elementary kids having physical problems just from homework can eventually lead to other possible problems down the road. These problems include substance abuse, becoming a high school dropout, and possibly death by suicide. So why risk a student’s life for a few homework

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