Why Is The Vaquita Endangered

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Vaquita is critically close to becoming extinct, this is how to prevent extinction for this animal.
The Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) is the worlds most rare marine animal, is now criticaly endangered according to the scale, and is now at a high risk of becoming extinct. It is said that by the year 2018, the Vaquita will be stated as extinct. There is a rough estimate of only 60 Vaquita or less in the ocean. There are various causes on why this animal is critically endangered and they are:
• Humans put nets up for other marine life to be caught and the Vaquita is trapped in this net and is then drowned.
• Habitat alteration by the drastic reduction of fresh water.
• Contamination of the water due to pollution.

One of the main reasons why the Vaquita is endangered would be that humans are now leaving gillnets in the ocean hoping to catch koi and other marine life, however the Vaquita is …show more content…

This is because of the damming of the Colorado River in the United States, the drastic reduction of fresh water and the coastal development. One way of the coastal destruction would have to be when humans place fish nets to catch shrimp, it disturbs the ecology and the bedding and the sand on the bed floor, disturbing the animal from going to that spot.
The third way that humans affect the endangered animal would be pollution to the seas. Every time someone throws a bottle or dirty water into the sea, they are damaging every sea creature as it may get caught and hurt the animal or it may make the sea creature get a disease or an infection therefore killing the animal. The Vaquita may catch a disease and that may kill the animal or it may be that the Vaquita eats an animal that has caught a disease from pollution, it also may contaminate water, making the water unliveable to survive in.
There are 3 ways that we can protect the 3 factors that I have listed above, they

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