Why Is Plagiarism Wrong

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Christian Masih Dale Ireland English 3003 14th March 2015. Plagiarism and Recycling Papers It is without a doubt that plagiarism is not respected and condoned enough in today's education process. Plagiarism is defined as stealing someone else's work without giving him or her credit for it. In other words, Plagiarism is the submission of written material by a particular author but represented by a student, whether the material is paraphrased or copied. Plagiarism in my opinion is immoral and unethical because it takes away the learning experience that someone can gain through each assignment. Another form of plagiarism is "recycling", which is using previous assignments done in the past without the instructor's approval. Furthermore, plagiarism …show more content…

That is because it degrades you as a learner and harm's you in a way, in as far as your education and career are concerned. It is the dream of lazy students who want to plagiarize on every assignment, and it is terrifying to students who put their time and effort in their work. After previously attempting this error, I am confident that it will never happen again in any of my course work as it reflects unethical behavior and may constitute a ruthless career path. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that plagiarism occurs from poor teaching, which causes students to lack confidence and knowledge in their frame of work. But that is not an excuse to plagiarize since it is up to us, and our future depends on what we currently …show more content…

In the entire period that I was at the community college, I was bewildered by the fact that only direct quotations needed citation. I was not aware that paraphrasing text from an author also needed referencing. I think most students including myself face the same problems because certain types of sources are somewhat excused despite explicit instructions to the contrary. This particular notion is misleading and reflects on fundamental misunderstanding of the logic of proper citing. It is to my understanding that when sources are directly quoted word for word; there should be quotation marks of the passage quoted and referenced accordingly in parenthesis. In addition to that, when ideas or arguments are produced in a paraphrased manner, the passage must correctly cite to avoid

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