Why Is Nick Carraway Gatsby Reliable

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Do authors design a narrator of a story to be reliable or unreliable to make us question the story and therefore seek further insight into that story? Nick Carraway, the narrator In The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is questionably an unreliable narrator, guiding readers to look more in depth to the story than just what is on the surface. Pondering question looking into the story Nick is found to pose a very strong bias against all the characters adjoining him in the book. Honesty, comes into question during the near end points of the story making Nicks undependable narrative come into question. Major sequences of story are told by Nick while he is under the influence, giving another point to prove why he remains an inconstant source of narrating. Contrasting the beginning and the end, Nick's real narrator's unreliability is proven through our ideas. The narrator Nick’s actions of bias and dishonesty prove his unreliability in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Throughout the story there is evident bias against the characters that are described by Nick the narrator to prove his unreliability. To tell a story correctly is must be told by giving details without stretching them to help or hurt characters in the story. Bias is exactly what that does, and in this story Nick proves …show more content…

We assume that this unreliability will not partake in our readings. So learning that in The Great Gatsby a character and narrator are unreliable can translate that is it important to watch for in other stories. Knowing this new ability to see a narrator’s unreliability can help us to see in American Literature, how it is American. American’s strive for big dreams and if that means they must lie to get there, then so be it. This story embodies that, with examples of how Nick strives to tell the best story he believes will attract the readers, even though it is exposed as a

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