Why Is John Proctor Want To Lie In The Crucible

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Gilbert-Jimenez Hiram
Period 1
The Crucible At the end of the play, John proctor is faced with the biggest calamity of his life. He was given the the choose to lie and say he is a witch or stand by his honesty and die as a marauder. john proctor name was everything to him. It made him who he is so he based his actions on it.. John wanted to live and keep his good name John Proctor refused verbally saying that he is a witch, or even signing an document because of his christian identity. He faced this hard trial hoping he would find himself again after the tragic affair. He knew if he would have lied he would have to stand before God on the day of his trial and answer for the sins he has committed.
At one part in Act 4 he signs the paper but refuses to show anybody he signed. He did this because all though he would rather die for the truth, he knew his sons would be orphans and have no father. Also his wife Elizabeth was pregnant and it just made his death sentence worse. John felt even if he did lie and lived, his sons would be forever ashamed of him. John is really stubborn when it comes to living up to his name to the point of death. John has no …show more content…

He tried finding some other way possible to stay alive without showing guilt. He Faced internal struggle with himself to confess of witchcraft. “It is evil is it not, It is evil” (The Crucible, Act 4) He knew the trial had been corrupted because of Abigail deceitful tongue. It only lead him believe in his truth and stand his ground. The whole village had be corrupted in john eyes. Abigail, floundering with lies, got so many people exacted, so John felt it in his power to stop this madness. He would not let evil prevail. He had hated Abigail and everything that she stood for. He wanted to be the opposite which influenced his final decision. Salem would be the same knowing hatred and lies were spread all throughout the

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