Why Is 9/11 Important

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Helpful Laws Passed as a Result of 9/11 Terror Attacks Kimberly C. Phillips HIS-122 American History II Georgia Military College Professor Brandon Williams Helpful Laws Passed as a Result of 9/11 Terror Attacks The terror attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 affected all of America after that day. People hugged their loved ones tighter and some Americans took action to defend our country. Some Americans choose to defend our country by joining the military. Others in the country demanded change by creating and pushing legislature with the intent of keeping American safe. The laws that passed which occurred because of the attacks on 9/11 have been helpful to America because they have enabled government agents in their search for terrorists, …show more content…

However, there was concern amongst citizens about a section of the Patriot Act that allowed wire taps and potential Fourth Amendment violations regarding unwarranted searches of the internet and emails. The worry that Americans do not want their privacy invaded by the government remains legitimate. This part of the act is less restrictive on the government in that it allows a much wider span of searches to seek out terrorists and destroy any type of terror activity. The Patriot Act help to the government look into other crimes such as drug trafficking as well as international crimes both of which may lead to terrorism. These searches that were allowed after the Patriot Act helped the governments look into larger scale crimes like the production or selling of weapons of mass destruction as well as chemical warfare. The Patriot Act seemed to help the government become less translucent to terrorists. Another positive part of the act was that it seemed to make the government to be up with the time so to speak as far as technology was concerned. Lastly, President Bush allowed for harsher penalties towards terrorists after 9/11. The Patriot Act allowed the government to surpass some amount of privacy of the American people which in the end seemed to be a constructive thing in the way of …show more content…

This sharing made communication better between the agencies and may have been the cause of finding and destroying numerous terroristic acts. After the Department of Homeland security was created, stiffer punishments were created in order to deter those who work for the government from informing anyone other than government employees of privy information. The creation of the department allowed for the department to have meetings that did not have to go on record. The act also states that those with information in relation to the safety of the United States keep that information confidential until it can be revealed. The homeland security bill allocated the right of the United States government to obtain arms to offset bio terror attacks on the country. An example of acquiring weapons or a means to neutralize bio threats was when the U.S. got a hold of a large amount of the measles vaccine. Overall, the Department of Homeland Security seems to create more positive than negative attributes to America’s safety and

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