Why I Want To Offer Essay

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Continue to Soar A home for the next four years. That is the expected feeling I am hoping to gain when I go off to college next year. I always have put faith and trust in my decision making, and I am excited to make this important choice. All the hours and effort of work I have put in during high school, has given me great opportunities and options to choose from. There are so many colleges, so much advertising, and so many different opinions and reviews to take in. I have gone through all the pro and con lists, visit days, and have had multiple conversations about the options I have available. I want to attend a university that will become my new home. A place where I will be able to grow as an individual, meet new people, and study my …show more content…

The truth of the matter is though, it is expensive. Even if a student chooses a “cheaper” alternative, thousands of dollars of tuition is still to come. I know and understand that I am paying for a large percentage of my education, so money is a huge deciding factor. Eastern Michigan University is an out-of-state school, which gives me a change of scenery and something different, but I will still be able to pay an in-state price since they accommodate for Ohio residents (Eastern Michigan University). It is an opportunity for me to explore more than just Ohio,without breaking the bank in the process. The tuition is 9,178 dollars a year, with a 9,300 dollar room and board (Eastern Michigan University). Miami has a higher tuition of around 14,736 dollars a year and a higher room and board of 12,454 dollars (“2016 Cohort”). With my hard earned ACT score of 27, and my grade point average of 4.0, I will be given a 6,500 dollar scholarship for four years at Eastern Michigan. Miami’s scholarships start at higher ACT scores, and I am not sure how much money I’d be given if I go there. Financially, it would be cheaper for me to attend Eastern Michigan University, and I want to make a smarter choice economically. I do not want to be paying off a large debt for many years to

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