Why I Want To Join The Peace Corps

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I first learned about the Peace Corps in 2010 when a professor took time at the end of class to talk about her experience and encourage the class to apply. Since that day joining the Peace Corps has been in the back of mind. But for years I have not. I either did not have the courage to apply or the time was not right (e.g., I was in a long-term relationship, in school, working, etc.). Now I find myself with the courage and the timing is right. After leaving my full-time job at Boys Hope Girls Hope I found myself reflecting on my goals (professional or otherwise) and my passions to find where they overlap. And that process of reflecting has led me to the Peace. Some of the reasons I wish to join the Peace Corps span the basics of wanting to travel and immerse myself in another culture. I want some new experiences abroad. But there are some deeper reasons as well. …show more content…

This has led to a more dynamic and globally interconnected community. The political and economic climate in one country can have major effects regionally and globally. For example, we learned this during the global financial crisis in 2008. And we learned this again during the Brexit vote, and its effects on financial markets around the world. As a person who works in the nonprofit sector, my work has been about solving communal and societal problems. Understanding how people in other countries go about solving those problems helps me better understand the problem and can provide me with more tools to address the iteration of the problem I see regularly. I want to bring the knowledge and skills I acquire as a Peace Corps volunteer back to my community. And having this perspective emboldens meet the challenges I will face as a Peace Corps

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