Why I Volunteer At The Ceres Library

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When I had first been introduced to this assignment of community service, I can honestly say that while I appreciated what it meant, I saw it as an extra burden. It is not that I didn’t want to do it, but instead that I had no time to do it. With my schedule, it is hard to get enough sleep, let alone a couple of hours of community service. To remedy this issue, I was determined to find a place I could do community service and truly enjoy what I was doing. This is why I decided to volunteer at the Ceres Library in their new children’s program. This program had just opened up in late July, so they needed volunteers to help get it going. Because Ceres is a town full of low-income families and underprivileged children, the program was aimed to help these kids. As a volunteer, I helped manage and run the crafts, played with the kids, and helped them with school related problems. Every Thursday, I would drive over and help the employees set up the craft’s table, or whatever …show more content…

Those Thursdays I volunteered were so much fun, and I looked forward to it every week. I became friends with the parents of the kids, and the kids themselves too. I loved helping create smiles on the kid’s faces whenever we had a Lego day, or when they made a holiday craft that involved candy. To help makes those kids have something to look forward to each week was worthwhile. I remember during one of the first times I volunteered, I was helping a little boy build a house out of Legos while his mom was checking out some books. The boy was so excited, and kept on saying how he had always wanted Legos for his own, but that Santa never got them for him. It broke my heart to know that the boy’s parents could not buy him the toy. However, it was rewarding to know that I helped this boy get to play with a toy he would not have had access to otherwise. After volunteering, I felt accomplished, since I was able to help people in less fortunate situations than my

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