Why I Became A Car

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As a result of my parents emigrating from Vietnam to the United States, they were forced to start from scratch and build their ways up. Being a first generation college student, I also saw the struggles my parents had to endure in order to set me up for a better life. Ever since I was a child I have had a passion for the automotive industry. Between trips to the store, I could always recall myself choosing new toy cars to get ranging from Ford Mach 1’s to Chevy Silverado’s to even Mercedes SL500’s. While playing with these cars, I usually ended up taking them apart to modify them, washing and cleaning them and just being fascinated in regards to their ascetics. As I began to mature more, this passion of cars stuck with me. I would always be outside helping my dad fix his car, I would be outside on hot summer days washing my parents cars and would just love hearing the noise of the engines starting up. With my first car, I had the ability to involve myself more with my passion. I would spend hours on weekends washing and waxing my car. Additionally, since my first car was relatively old and needed work done to it, I began to understand when problems were arising and wasn’t afraid to get my hands dirty and fix the issues myself. …show more content…

This passion thus ended up merging with my passion for mechanics and the automotive industry. Suitably, I now wish to declare my major as a mechanical engineer or industrial engineer. In either scenario, I have the hopes that I will someday be able to secure a job in the automotive industry. The reasons for me setting this goal does not solely rest upon my passion for automotives and finance, but rather the hopes that I will become successful and be able to provide my family with a better life than what I had. Filled with less stress over money, and more time to enjoy what I am passionate

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