Why Guns Should Be Banned Essay

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Many people believe that guns are needed for protection, While some think you need guns to protect yourself and your home, The truth is guns are used more for violent crimes than self-defense. In reality the reason so much killing is going around is because of gun violence. Research shows that more than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country. Banning guns is the best because it has been proven that more guns in circulation will cause more homicides, In other words banning guns would make the community much safer.
“I believe all handguns should be abolished “-Sen.John Chafee, Allowing guns to be open to the public is generally a bad idea. Guns should only be available to military personnel or police officers because someone with bad intentions could easily just go to a shop, purchase a gun then go and shoot someone. Gun violence result in fifty percent of today’s tragedies. Handguns causes too many deaths, The government need to make gun less accessible, and the law/law enforcement need to First and foremost many handguns have claimed the lives of too many people. This is a very serious issue we must tackle globally not just in the United States. The same problem is killing our past, present, and future. …show more content…

They may say it’s all right to own a handgun but they may have different intentions than the user has on how and why they need one. The owner may need one for their protection but the lawmaker may think it’s for hunting or something other than it causing violence. To ensure these guns are not being used for violence the law needs to make a set of rules and regulations on the conditions of guns. How to use them/abuse them need to be the number one law. It should state guns are not intended to be used for violence of no kind. The law need to enforce the laws they make to ensure proper safety it would eliminate half of the gun

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