Why Do You Ever Worry Without Sense Of Anxiety?

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Do you ever worry beyond reason? Does your mind tend to overestimate the risks of life and underestimate the powers and resources you have to handle those risks? Do you feel a subtle, yet persistent, sense of anxiety that runs like an undercurrent just beneath your conscious awareness? If so, you're not alone. Most of us have some of that going on. In this article, you'll discover what you can do about it.

Let's start with simple definitions. Anxiety is a feeling state of fear, trepidation, or being overly-concerned. Worry is the fretful thinking we do when we feel anxious.

Now, a little anxiety and worry can be helpful. Being a bit anxious or worried may inspire you to study for a test, learn a presentation that you have for work, or prepare …show more content…

Understating your own abilities and resources to handle that challenge or danger.

In other words, when you feel anxious you are looking at what might happen and seeing it as hugely dangerous and highly likely to happen. At the same time, you are feeling that your talents, skills, and resources are small, inadequate, and not up to the challenge that you face. What you are facing looks like a huge "catastrophe" and what you have to fend it off feels like a cap gun.

Unless you take steps to curb your anxiety and manage your worry, it can take you into a downward spiral that can be difficult to get out of. So what steps can you take before that happens? And what can you do to pull yourself out of it if it does happen?

One great strategy is to keep a Mastering Anxiety Journal where you record moments of anxiety and worry. Awareness is the first and most essential step to anything you want to change. It enables you to identify anxiety-worry as soon as it arises, so you can insert a mental pause into your reaction and do something about it.

Here's a way to do that:

Whenever you feel anxiety and worry, pause, take a break from what you are doing, practice slow deep breathing to calm yourself, and, then, take a few moments to record the following

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