Why Charity is Important

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Charity is an important part of our world today. People that get stuck in an awful situation or need a little extra help benefit from it immensely. Volunteering just a little bit of time can make a huge difference in someone else's life and also impacts everyone involved. Have you ever volunteered? On the other end of the spectrum, have you ever needed help or support from someone and it wasn't there? If we didn't have charities and people that volunteered the world wouldn't be able to function as well as it does with the help of others and their kind hearts. Charity is beneficial to society because it helps some people financially, helps others appreciate what they have, and makes the community a better place. Charity is important because it helps people appreciate what they have. It is important to connect chairity to ones own life. This will help with coping with problems and how to have a different outlook on life. People that have depression often feel better and hope after they help with a charity or volunteer because it makes them feel needed and/ or wanted (“Volunteering” par. 5). Charity has a “feel good” effect and works both ways. It makes the receiving side feel good from getting what they need and knowing that people care enough to help them out (Volunteering par. 5). There are many ways people can help others through charity and volunteering time without costing them any money. A common way people benefit others suffering through cancer or other diseases where it is common to lose hair is to donate long hair to locks of love. This is a charity/ organization that collects hair that people donate to make wigs for people that have lost most or all of their hair. Another way to help others out without spending any thing other than time is to be a 'babysitter” for free for an organization such as the YMCA when parents go work out and need some free time.

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