Why Bullying Is Important For Children's Maturing Process

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Although some people find bullying important for children’s maturing process, bullying can be detrimental because it can cause short-term problems, long-term problems, and the feelings that come with it may be challenging to forget.
First are the short-term problems. With the bullying, they are violent to those who don’t deserve it. They get a thrill from the aggression and a sense of dominance. Some of the bullies do so because they feel insecure or there is an underlying issue that’s deeper than shown. With the victim, there are many difficult short-term problems they face. They have a decrease in their GPA because they miss, skip, or even drop out of school. School bullying generally harms children's ability to learn at school, and has been shown to contribute to …show more content…

The victim’s self-worth and self-image become damaged. This is a problem because it will cause the victim to constantly doubt themselves. They will harbor feelings for the rest of their lives. Some may even seek revenge, which will change their lives. They will become so focused on getting back at the bully, they won’t have time to focus on their job or family. Also, they may come to the conclusion where they believe people view them as a loser that is weak and pathetic. Another long-term problem is that they may obtain mental health issues. Einarsen and Raknes, 1997; Leymann, 1996 stated “Although single acts of aggression and harassment do occur fairly often in everyday interaction, they seem to be associated with severe health problems when occurring on a regular basis.” This could hurt their futures because they may have difficulty finding jobs. Several studies have shown that bullying can lead to crime and violent behavior in bullies, victims, and bystanders who witness bullying (Whitted & Dupper, 2005; Scarpaci, 2006; Brown, Birch, & Kancherla, 2005). That would hurt their futures because with criminal records, it becomes hard to find

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