Why Abortion Is Murder

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Some people compare abortion, a widely controversial topic, to murder because it is ending a life. Although there is actually no way to pinpoint when life begins. Some believe that life begins at conception, while others do not. Some say that when a baby first moves it is given the right to life, while others do not support this claim. Therefore, there is no true way to dictate whether abortion is murder or not.

Abortion is seen to some as being “murder” due to the idea that a fetus has the right to live when it becomes a sufficient human. The phrase “sufficient human” refers to when a fetus meets the standards to be considered to have a life. Different people have different opinions on when this life begins. The Catechism of Catholic …show more content…

Going back to the view of the Catholic Church, conception could be seen as a starting point. Conception marks the beginning of biological life, and this leads to the belief that biological life is not sufficient enough to give a fetus the right to life. Therefore, this is a view that can not be fully supported. Another development stage that is pointed out is implantation. Although this point is easy to identify, it is arbitrary. Life at implantation is an idea based on a random personal choice, not made with any reason or system. Thus meaning that implantation is another point that can not be supported. ‘Quickening’, the moment when a fetus first moves in the womb, is a more popular belief of when there is life. This is an idea that came from a now abandoned Christian theory that this was the moment when the fetus got a soul. Although this does seem like a logical point, medical evidence shows that the time of quickening is influenced by irrelevant factors, such as how many pregnancies that the mother has had or the health of the mother. For this reason, the idea of ‘Quickening’ is not a solid point that can be used to substantialize the liveliness of a fetus. Another point that many see as a start of life, the moment when brain activity is seen, is no more than a precondition. This does not demonstrate that the fetus is actually “conscious”, therefore meaning that it may not be given the right to life. Viability of the fetus, a view that is most commonly used in drafting laws regulating abortion, is unsatisfactory. This is due to the fact that fetus survival depends on the state of medical science, medical facilities available, willingness of the mother, gender of the fetus, and race of the fetus. There are just too many variables that make the concept of life at viability to be an unsteady point. The final, and

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