Who Is Responsible For Gatsby's Death

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“The Great Gatsby” was a book written by, F. Scott Fitzgerald, was a book of love and tragedy. The story is about a young, rich man, who throws extravagant parties, yet he is a “mystery man: to most people that attend his parties. Once a young man moves next door, Nick Carraway, he meets Gatsby and they become close friends. It just so happens that Gatsby “long lost” lover, Daisy, is Nick’s cousin. Gatsby reveals to Nick that he only throws the parties he does in hopes of Daisy, along with her husband Tom, which isn’t Gatsby’s biggest fan. At the end Gatsby is killed, shot and killed because he was falsely accused of something. I know ther gun killed Gatsby but what things lead up to Gatsby’s death? The things I believe lead to his death were …show more content…

The reason I believe lust was one of the factors of Gatsby’s death was because Gatsby was in love with the thought of Daisy, and her wealth was one of the things he craved about her . He said “ "Her voice is full of money... That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money - that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbal's song of it..." (Fitzgerald, 120) This quote contains symbolism as Daisy is the ultimate symbol of the American Dream. She is wealthy and well off, and she fits right into Gatsby's elaborate dream. Daisy was an illusion of innocence to Gatsby but also the reality of corruption. Gatsby also for some reason loved Daisy’s voice, they said that even the sound of her voice and even her name were undeniably linked to material wealth, which adds to the reason Gatsby is so infatuated with her and it is the reason for her "inexhaustible charm" …show more content…

Jay Gatsby envy’s Tom Buchanan because his importance in Daisy's life, Tom is also jealous of Gatsby. Tom Buchanan is jealous of Gatsby because his wife is in love with him. Tom is hypocrite because he is in love with Myrtle Wilson, his mistress that Daisy does knows about, but he is angry when he see’s that his wife is in love with Gatsby. Tom has envy for Gatsby because both Daisy and Gatsby have known each other for five years, and along that period of time, they have had a romantic past. Therefore, both Gatsby and Tom are jealous and envy each other. Towards the end of the novel, Tom and Gatsby have a moment of pure envy. The are both making Daisy which of them she loves more. Tom, her husband, or Gatsby, someone she has loved for the past 5 years. Gatsby insists that she tells Tom she never loved him, but Daisy says "Oh, you want too much!" she cried to Gatsby. "I love you now--isn't that enough? I can't help what's past." She began to sob helplessly. "I did love him once--but I loved you too." (Fitzgerald) This quote completely shatters Gatsby’s dream he has been living for 5 years. When forced to choose between Tom and Gatsby, Daisy remains with her wealthy husband and doesn’t react at all when Gatsby is murdered. I believe this shows Daisy’s true character and the about of selfishness she has. Daisy never loved Gatsby for him, she loved him for his money, reputation, and the

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