Who Is Piggy A Dynamic Character In Lord Of The Flies

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A first impression is something that one gets a single shot at. They either make it count or they completely miss, but one thing one cannot determine from a first impression is some ones true motives. As a wise Joyce Myer once said, “Motives reveal why we do what we do, which is actually more important to God than what we're doing”. One has to sit back and learn why a person said this or said that in a first impression. When one can listen and learn from a person, that is when the reasons behind the choices that are being made come out. In the novel “Lord of the Flies”, written by William Golding, there is a very interesting character named Piggy. In this novel the static characteristics of Piggy allow his motives of insecurity and order to …show more content…

This allows one to see his motive of insecurity when he first meets Ralph. This motive is apparent when the narrator says, “The fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn but this proffer of acquaintance was not made…” (Golding 9). There were many things going through Piggy’s head at this time, and it is the same for everyone on their first impression with one. He wanted to listen to what the other boy had to say, but did not want to seem too pushy, and act like it was all about himself. It is almost like Piggy did not want him to ask what his name is because he was not really sure what he wanted to go by. This is showing the reader how shy Piggy is, and gives the reader a good idea that he is holding something back. Piggy did not want to give a bad impression to Ralph and he would achieve this by respecting him, and listening to him. Piggy was worried that if he told him the truth that he would be made fun of, which would be more of a contribution to his lack of confidence. This insecurity of his name is shown again, just a couple pages later when Piggy says in a whisper, “They used to call me Piggy” (Golding 11). Although the reader is not positive, one is able to assume that this is name is a nickname. It is very evident why Piggy has this nickname, considering that he is as chunky young boy. It is also very obvious that he did not want …show more content…

He wants everything to stay in order on this island. He is aware that if people start to fight and separate, it will make their chances of getting off of the island even slimmer. When things started to go downhill between the two groups Piggy got very upset at Jack, and he did not like the choices that Jack was making. The reader is able to see this when he says, “You and your blood, Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! We might have gone home…” (Golding 70). Piggy was tired, he was frustrated, and he wanted to go home. He knew that what Jack was doing was not contributing to the boys and their quest to get off of the island. Piggy had finally had enough, and he knew that splitting off into two groups and having two leaders was not going to keep order on the island. It was simply going to cause more chaos than there already was. Piggy was focused on the big picture, which was getting off of the island. He was the one doing the things that were going to allow them to get rescued such as maintain a fire, build shelters, and gather food all as a group to be more efficient. Piggy was not about the amount of pride and popularity that would be gained for doing something incredible, but simply about being as effective as possibly to get back home to his family. As the book goes on Piggy’s motive for order does not change, he still wants to have the most important thing to get off of the island and that is evident when he says,

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