Who Is Mark Twain's The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg?

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In Mark Twain’s “The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg”, the concept of good and evil is put to the test. Twain tells the story of a stranger, whose visit to the town of Hadleyburg does not precede its reputation of honorability. The stranger plays a cruel prank on the greedy people of the town and sets into motion a series of events that expose the town residents for the deceivers they really are. “The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg” is a story that questions the idea of keeping up appearances and confirms the myth that the truth will always prevail. The story begins with a description of the town of Hadleyburg. Hadleyburg is well-known for being an honest and moral town. In fact, all the neighboring towns are envious at the social standing Hadleyburg

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