What is a Champion?

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What is a Champion?

There are many definitions of the word 'champion,' and many reasons why people want that title. For some it's ego, for some it's pride, for some it's fame, and for others it's fortune. Perhaps the truest definition of a champion, though, is someone who doesn't think of themselves as one, but others do.

After photographing the World Superfight Championship, I was standing by the ring as the arena emptied, when a middle-aged local man emerged from the crowd. Threading his way through the foot traffic, he walked up to one of the fighters signing autographs and apparently asked a question. The fighter glanced up, shook his head no, and then turned away. The man shrugged and moved on. He went to another fighter, and yet another, obviously asking the same question and obviously getting the same negative response. He glanced over, saw several fighters in my vicinity, and came over. Curious, I edged closer. 'Hello,' he said to them. 'I'm Mario from the Mas Oyama Karate school. We're having a kids tournament tomorrow and I was wondering if you could come?'

The Fighters, understandably tired after their bouts, all shook their heads. 'Some other time, man,' one said. Then they all walked off. The man sighed and started to walk away. yo!., a voice boomed from behind the corner of the raised ring. 'You say there be some kids there?' The man stopped and turned as 280-pound Joe Charles, who had just lost that night's very physical 'Superfight,' painfully stood up and limped over. 'it would mean a lot to them,' Mario said eagerly. Charles nodded rnatter-of-factly. "Pick me up in the morning.' He then shuffled off to the showers. The next morning, as I stood in front of the hotel with my camera and luggage, waiting for a ride to the airport, a small, two-door import drove up. Out jumped Mario, who waved behind me at a bag-laden Joe Charles, just walking out. 'Thanks for coming, Joe,' he said. 'And you brought a photographer to shoot the kids.' I looked at Mario, smiled and shrugged. 'Actually, Joe didn't...' 'Yes, I did,' Charles said, raising his voice and his eyebrows. "Right?" I hurriedly nodded. "Uh, right ... sure.' So we piled into the small car, Charles so sore that he could barely bend his legs, and drove to a sweltering gym in the middle of the island.

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