What is Quantum Mechanics?

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Quantum mechanics is a form of physics that is used to study very tiny objects like atoms. Many people have heard of quantum mechanics before whether it was from a book or a television show. Automatically people think “nerd” or “geek” which is pretty much correct, but those people themselves have no idea how quantum mechanics improved their lives or even how it works. It may sound difficult, but it is really not that hard to understand.
So now it is time for the all import question that everyone wants to know. What is it? Quantum mechanics is not the study of tiny things like cells or microbes. It is the study of even tinier things called particles. The main reason why we have quantum mechanics is because it replaces classical physics for describing events and actions that occur with particles and other objects that are on a very small scale (Tavolacci). We use the quantum theory because Newton’s laws can not accurately explain what happens to objects on a smaller scale and so quantum physics has helped scientists understand a little more about the particles that make up the world (Tavolacci). The quantum theory states that all matter, energy, and radiation are made up of small bundles called quan (or in plural form quanta) hence the name “quantum” mechanics (Tavolacci). The theory also states that electrons move in a defined wave instead of just flying around the nucleus of an atom because if they floated around aimlessly, then the electrons would collide with the nucleus in a fraction of a second and all matter that we know would cease to exist (McCoy). The electrons stay in certain waves based on their energy level. It is much easier to think of this whole process of acting like a solar system. All of the electrons move around...

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...here the electrons move and go. The photons from the light transport energy and hit the electron, which transfers energy to the electron but slows down the photon. At last, in the 1920’s scientists came up with the wave-particle duality. The wave-particle duality stated that light had both properties of a wave and properties of a particle at the same time (Tavolacci).
Quantum mechanics has been around for at least a century and for about half of those years it has been widely rejected. When scientist finally saw its potential, they opened up to the idea and started creating many new experiments and finding out the great answers to the biggest questions in life. Scientists will continue to make amazing advancements in quantum mechanics and may be able to one day figure out a way to improve our lives with some of the greatest technology that mankind has ever seen.

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