What Perseverance Means To Me Essay

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I believe that a lot of words can describe me such as perseverance, courage, honest, believe and confidence. To me perseverance means to never give up no matter what, if you can't over come the obstacle in your life that's right in front of you but you still tried your hardest you should be proud with the effort that you gave. All that matters is that you try your hardest, I believe perseverance is everywhere in the classroom, on the court/ football field, and in our every day lives. Courage is to never back down, be a leader, that is what courage means to me courage is huge in life. Honesty is a great characteristic to have, if you are honest with your self and others you can achieve a lot. Confidence is one of, or the biggest trait of all of the characteristics, confidence in your self and your teammates and classmates is a special thing to have if you can have self confidence then you can achieve almost anything. Confidence is a huge factor in my life. When I was 11 years old we had just finished the regular season for baseball, and after we won our district we were on to state. At state we were the smallest team by far but we still knew we were capable …show more content…

And the next year after winning districts again we were on to state once again. We breezed by our first three competitors just like last time and was back in the semifinals. This time it wasn't so easy we were playing Rose city but we edged them out 7-6 and was onto the state championship again. Guess who were playing, Murray Hill and this time we were not going to let them get the best of use we won that game 14-4. We ended up going onto regionals playing on ESPN and doing great getting second in the northwest region.It felt great to finally win a state championship and now I know that all the hard work I put into in the offseason was worth. I believe that hard work eventually pays off in the

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