What Is Unique And Special?

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Many people come in and out of your life in what some people call “seasons”. Some staying for little fractions while others stay for years. As for siblings, you can get them for the long hall. In an ideal case getting to grow up and being raised together in the same home. You attend majority of the same exciting as well as boring events together that come in life. You get to sit around the dinner table, take long road trips, laugh while the other gets in trouble, and simply just do life together. Having a sister to do all that with or to even have is very unique and special. Well any sibling for that matter. Unique and special because first off you do not have the initial control to choose to be in this person’s life or choose them to be in …show more content…

Luckily for Blair and me we had no preliminary judgments going into our relationship. We eventually got to the age where we started to actually get to know each other. We both liked sports, ice cream, naps, and playing hide-and-go-seek with my dad and our other siblings. Being so young there was no huge reason why we did not get along or seem close. We went to all the same family and friend events together, had the same group of friends, we played sports together, and even slept in the same room together. A perfect sister-sister relationship! From the outside looking in till the end of high school that is probably what everyone else thought too. What was open self, having a good and opened relationship with my sister being something that everyone else included myself knew and thought about Blair and I’s relationship was not what it seemed. In fact, it took me till after high school to realize that while my relationship with my sister may had been good to everyone else and maybe even my sister and me, it later on actually lead to another self concept called: unknown self, a relationship that us all were blind to how it really …show more content…

Seemed pretty normal on the outside. Typical arguments over literally anything such as, “Joy! Hurry up I needed to be in the shower ten minutes ago!” and “Blair I called shotgun! Ugh you suck!” We did not affirm each other very well. In fact and even further, the next stage of the relationship model seemed to be one we lacked, which was intimacy. Growing up, but especially in high school, Blair and me rarely talked about our feelings with each other, and I don’t mean like the surfaced stuff. We never talked really about deep things, things that mattered and that were going on in each other’s lives, no real commitment to each other. I remember one time specifically where I tried to have a spiritual conversation with her in the locker room at school (we both have a relationship with the Lord), but she shut me out. I remember being really upset about that one specific conversation because I just wanted to help. There were random times where I would try and display affiliative cues, showing that I loved her but there was never really any return or any “I love you” that would be said between us. If there was it was because we were family and that was what we were suppose to say, right? Our level of intimacy lacked, but it was a sister-sister relationship so maybe that was how they all

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