What Is The Theme Of The Movie Brothers Movie

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The movie I have picked to review is the movie “Brothers”; this movie chronicles two brothers. Sam is in Afghanistan on a tour of duty while his brother, Tommy, recently gets released from jail having served a sentence for armed robbery. Sam is married to Grace and they have two young daughters together. While in Afghanistan, Sam’s plane is shot down and he is presumed dead however, the reality is he was taken by an Afghanistan war group and is held along with his comrade Joe Willis. Tommy moves in with Grace and the kids after hearing about Sam’s death, so he can help out around the house (and he also needs a place to stay after getting out of prison). In Afghanistan Sam is forced to kill Joe Willis with a lead pipe if he wants to live, and shortly after Joe Willis’ death, the American military comes and frees Sam. Sam is a changed man after this and returns home paranoid, he thinks Tommy and Grace have been sleeping together. He has symptoms of PTSD from the war and also exhibited symptoms of OCD and paranoia. While questioning Grace about her false infidelities, Sam ends up destroying to newly remodelled kitchen Tommy has made and pulls a gun to kill Tommy. The police show up and Sam turns the gun on himself, before …show more content…

Tommy and Sam’s dad, Hank, played a larger role in this movie than expected; his ideologies shaped both his sons on what they can do with their lives. Hank was always pushing the army as a way to be a man and pay back your country, and because Tommy didn’t adhere to this ideology, he became the scapegoat son. Hank’s pressure to be manly is what stopped Sam from getting any help for his PTSD, as his dad doesn’t want Sam in counselling or on medication because “Real men don’t need help” (Jim Sheridan,

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