What Is The Ring In The Hobbit

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In the book The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, it tells a great tale. A humble little hobbit who lived in a hole, goes by the name of Bilbo Baggins. He is short, round stomached, has hairy feet, and the kindest heart. Sneaky and quiet, he is a burglar. Agreeing to take on a long journey with a wizard and a couple of dwarves; Bilbo meets a funny creature in one of the caves of their adventure. Gollum is a skinny and slimy creature hidden away in the caverns of goblins. He has bright blue round-eyes and a great evil within him. When Bilbo stumbles his way into Gollum’s territory, they both find the same love for riddles and a special ring. In comparing and contrasting the two, they do not only have several differences between each other but a few similarities. …show more content…

Power is a huge thing most desired and if given, it can become excessive to some people. Their lust for power will not only become greater but could become dangerous if used in the wrong way. A prime example of the power of the ring would use Gollum himself. Gollum and Bilbo are both Hobbits and both had signs of the rings evil power affecting them, some more than others. The only difference was that Gollum actually killed his friend over the ring during a fishing trip, while Bilbo had the chance to and said no. In doing so, Bilbo had control over the ring and the evil powers of it had no effect on him in that moment. Bilbo lives in the comfort of his little hole, living a very comfortable life. He has endless amounts of food to eat and is not a big fan of rawness. As comfortable as he is, Bilbo shares his food with any and all, with such hospitality. He will cook, clean, and hang up all of his guests’ belongings. Leaving them with nothing, but

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