What Is The Fate Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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“Star crossed lovers” is the title regularly given to the characters of this iconic play. Romeo and Juliet are supposedly destined by faith to die together as lovers. There is much more to this concept than meets the eye. Some think of fate as nonexistent, just us humans grasping for some reason as to why things happen the way they do. Others, as shown in the play, see it as the predetermined future, which can be either really good to you or be an amazingly brutal force. In this play, (even though both families are in a deadly feud) fate is what supposedly drove Romeo and Juliet together as lovers, to their deaths, and to the end of their families’ feud, which can be seen in either a good or bad way. Both of them reach for the stars, believing that there is something more than life itself, and this plays a large part in how they are driven together, and how their interests and thoughts and ideas align in this way. For these two characters, fate is not just another theory, it is the story of their lives. The fates of Romeo and Juliet can be seen in many ways, as one can look through a magnifying
But then again, it was their decisions to take their own lives. Fate could only bring them so far, they had to make the big decisions by themselves. Alone, without much consideration or outer pressure, they made the same decision. This decision was not made from rationality or peer pressure, but from their love for each other. Outwardly, to their families, they didn’t even know each other. They knew that they had better keep their love secret, for outrageous punishment would surely come if their love was known. They knew that they were walking the tightrope while they were doing this, and so they reached for the stars and relied on fate. Fate determined this, already prepared. Fate knew this was going to happen, and that is why it happened in this way as to go along as fate had it planned

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