What Is Societal Aging?

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One of the most important concerns that not only the certain region or country but the whole globe is facing with is the societal aging. Societal aging refers to the “social and demographic process that result in the aging of a population” Aging of the population would impact different aspect of social life. For instance, as the baby boomers aging, the evolvement of those generation in different community would increase. Also, the expectation of better healthcare and ethical issues around the aged people has grown (Morgan & Kunkle 2016: 6).
This is about a long time ago that Malthus (1766-1834) predicted the crisis of overpopulation indicating “population must always be kept down to the means of subsistence”. He was trying to depict the crisis …show more content…

The life expectancy in Europe and America averaged about 30 to 40 years in 1800 A.D. However, through medical breakthroughs this expectancy has increased double -75 years- in the last two hundred years. One important reason of this increase is the discovering of what causes diseases. The development of medical science in different ways has yielded so many advances in recognizing the pathogenic factors of diseases and how to fight with them. This progress has resulted significant alteration in the factors of premature death due to diseases (Medical Health tests …show more content…

Environmental, behavioral and genetic factors would impact the life span and the demography of a society in unlike ways. Physical environment which has significant role in the aging of the people is one of those factors that would function in both ways. For instance, if an environment demands the people to be more engaged in different communities and events, the process of aging would delay; conversely, if a society’s demand from the elderly is too little, they would stay at home and the process of aging would accelerate Morgan & Kunkel 2016:

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