What Is Representative Bureaucracy?

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( ) describes the use of representative bureaucracy as a political and legislative response to various social, political and administrative problems and challenges (p.240). Formulating and evaluating effective decision-making skills develop effective policies and nation building. According to Nichols, & Erakovich (2013) authentic leaders use the behaviors of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration in an ethical manner and affect the perception of the follower (p. 183). Thus, in the role of a president these concepts are incorporated to achieve democratic legitimacy.
Some individuals may feel that taking action in democratic governance is a legitimate way to assess ethical behavior. Further, our civil society actions often impact our government moral duties on how a person should behave and even the use of their powers. In this case, United States had been down for its liberty and freedom for many years, but over time the United States became self-loathing. …show more content…

Post (2006) states that if democracy requires that citizens experience their government as their own, as representing them, they must experience the state is some way responsive to their values and ideas (p.27). Moreover, I believe that the democratic governance is the foundation of bureaucratic ethics. Bureaucracy addresses public systems, provides structure, and efficient to establish rules and for the way we operate. However, Goodsell (2004) argues that the diversion of bureaucracy is positive although there is a lot of untrusted amongst the administration. In agreement with Goodsell, (2004) he states that the opposed arguments indicate that the bureaucracy has a poor performance are excessive power, and oppression of the individuals. Lastly, ( article) ) proclaims that the government blocks all forms of communication outside of the

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