What Is My Work Experience Essay

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I can see how most of my strengths that God has given me are weaved throughout my life, in my work history and my relationships. There has been a growth process with these strengths that I feel will continue to be refined throughout the rest of my life.
My work experience has been such a big part of my life. I see several of my strengths throughout my employment history; such as discipline, developer, and empathy. The discipline characteristic I possess has helped me to have structure to my day and helped me to make lists of daily tasks that needed to be accomplished. These things have really helped me in the workplace. So much that, I have exceeded expectations in my prior jobs and have received promotions.
Some of these promotions took …show more content…

It seemed that once I learned this lesson in the workplace, he had another direction he wanted to take my employment. I was given a wonderful opportunity to take a year off of work with full severance pay. This gave me the ability to move in a different direction with my career. During this time of unemployment my husband and I went to Idaho and served in the offices at Mission Aviation Fellowship for a week. This was my first experience of being in a Christian work environment. God put it on my heart to work in Christ centered environment. I believe that he orchestrated my employment at William Jessup University. Throughout my employment history God refined my Discipline strength, revealed Developer strength and gave me Empathy for the people that I work with. Connectedness is intertwined in all of this; I believe with all my hear that my employment history has God’s hand all over it- teaching me lessons and growing me into a better person.
In my personal relationships I see Harmony, Empathy and Connectedness. The harmony characteristic of a being peacemaker has been present most of my life. It started when I was young in my household that was full of conflict. As I got older, I continued to desire harmony in my friendships and relationships. At times, I would stuff my feelings and went along with the other person to avoid conflict. Eventually

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