What Is Mental Health As A Social Justice Issue?

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In today’s society, the stigma around mental health has caused many people to fear seeking medical treatment for problems they are dealing with. With an abundance of hateful outlooks and stereotypical labels such as: crazy, psycho, and dangerous, it is clear that people with a mental illness have a genuine reason to avoid pursuing medical treatments. Along with mental health stigma, psychiatric facilities that patients with a mental health issue attend in order to receive treatment obtain an excessive amount of unfavorable stereotypes. To begin, the stereotypical views on psychiatric institutions are understandable due to the history of these facilities. When the idea of a mental institution was first introduced in 1700s American society, …show more content…

Throughout her presentation, she explains how public stigmas, once again, cause label avoidance pushing many who need help away from treatment. She then goes on to explain how these stereotyped behaviors cause discrimination towards people with a mental illness from employment to housing which only leads to the creation of more stigmas. Finally, she states how the impact of stigmas is associated with the reduction of self-esteem, overall poor health, and problems with interpersonal relationships (Willits). By using this presentation I am able to connect what we have learned about mental health stigmas to my article. First off, for example, Morris explains how psychiatric units invoke people to imagine a frightening place where insane patients are strapped down and poked and prodded for care (Morris). This stereotypical idea relates to how Willits described general stereotypes associated with mental illness such as crazy and dangerous (Willits). On top of that, Willits explained how these stigmas have negative consequences for patients (Willits). This relates to Morris’s explanation on how the stigma around institutions has caused these units to shut down forcing many people to be homeless or live in jail …show more content…

First off, clinical social workers work one-on-one with individuals by utilizing psychosocial casework to improve their client’s lives. Social workers at the micro level typically provide case management by coordinating and monitoring services, developing a treatment plan, advocating for new services, providing psychoeducation, and by helping clients learn more about their specific disorder (Marx). They also provide psychotherapy through three major therapeutic approaches- psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic (Marx). When it comes to the mezzo level social worker work with groups and families. They may initiate therapy groups, support groups, psychoeducational groups, and socialization groups all in order to uplift their clients about their mental disorder (Marx). On top of that, social workers also offer family therapy with the goal of helping families learn and function effectively by meeting the needs of a family member with a mental illness (Marx). Finally, social workers also work on a macro level through advocacy and policy changes, and in an administrative setting. Through advocacy, social workers may lobby for policy changes on a local, state, or national level in order to promote positive

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