What Are The Similarities Between Lord Of The Flies And Mean Girls

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In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and Tina Fey’s Mean Girls, both authors reveal similar symbolism and settings that can relate to reality and todays society. Golding and Fey show symbolism through the lack of clothing and how it can guide another being to make assumptions of another’s personality. They unravel setting through the world of teenagers and children that create trouble amongst the places they inhabit and their surrounding areas alongside explaining how it can heavily impact the direction in which society travels. So, this exposes how clothing tells about another’s personality and how a world with teenagers and children governing themselves can lead to a corrupt and destructive society. Golding’s symbolism of the lack of …show more content…

Adults bring order and a civilized society and respect and many more things a child needs to learn before they live all by themselves in a world of independence. They teach their children because they desire to prepare them for the real world. As the boys scatter, they eventually begin to fight and kill some of their “friends.” In the process of killing and hunting down other kids, the children begin to set fire to the island in hope that the children being hunted will run like an injured dog out to the open sand near the ocean. (Quote). (Support). However, there were attempts from the former chief to restore order to the savaged society but failure was the result every time. (Quote). (Support). In the end, Golding’s setting reveals how leaving children all on their own independently can cause chaos and destruction and lead to children taking others lives and most of all, their …show more content…

Golding shows how children all on their own, can change their own brains to function the way they choose with no one telling them what to do. He as well explains the impact of less clothing has on society, which causes civilization to diminish from where they lay. Likewise, Cady changes the way she dresses from being fully covered with dignity and respect to exposing body parts and changing her way of thinking. However, in the end, both authors reveal symbolism and setting through teenagers and children. Parents should be most cautious about teenagers because they seem to be the main reason why society corrupts and destroys itself, which leads future generations at risk of becoming even

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