What Are The Pros And Cons Of Christopher Columbus

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There are many opinions that circulate around Christopher Columbus. Some are good, but based with a lack of knowledge, while some may be directed as a general hate towards Europeans of that era. To truly understand what we should think about columbus, we must analyze all sides of the many arguments that are all directed at him. Was Columbus really a famed explorer who sailed in 1492, or was he a man with a heart of stone, who cared for nothing more than his own personal gain? Who may have been driven by pressure to accomplish his goal, no matter what the cost. Opinions aside,he left a legacy that leaves a trail of impressions on modern day America. To start with the positive sides of Columbus, he came and explored the west indies. He took these findings back to …show more content…

Many know this about him, and thus he becomes a role model for many. Unfortunately, many do not know the other side to this story. Many history writings and teachings avoid what happened once Columbus reached his accidental destination. Columbus may be considered a basic topic that is to be covered in lower grades. Many kids are kept away from the reality of Columbus's fortunes upon reaching the New World. As Columbus Day is celebrated, we must take into consideration many things we miss about Columbus. While it may have been a Gutsy move, sailing into the unknown, Columbus did not have the pure cause of trying to discover a new land. His voyage was influenced similarly to many of his time: money. Striking it rich was a large industry in his time. He also had been funded by the monarchs of Spain. If he returned empty handed, the consequences for him would have been grim. To assure he did not come back empty handed, when he landed and had first encounters with the indigenous Taino people. He took back many samples for Spain. While this may have proved ineffective, as many would end up dying from disease. Gold was also found, and people were needed to harvest

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