What Are The 5 Reasons Why Google Health Failed

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Database Management Storage Issues CAHS 300 Final Research Project Michelle McElroy 8/14/2014 Technology in healthcare is continuously evolving in order to provide patients with the best quality care possible. Heath information systems have many features that can provide a facility with real time information updates, warnings for patients with allergies, and storage for electronic health records. However, electronic storage of a patient’s health records can be controversial for the fact that depending on the method of storage, there is the possibility that the records may not properly be protected. There are two forms of storage which include online and offline. According to Toni Hebda and Patricia Czar, online storage is used …show more content…

Technology is the center of providing this care and developing a system that can provide secure storage will make the transition smoother and more accepted universally. Marianne Kolbasuk McGee states in her article, 5 Reasons Why Google Health Failed, “If Google had had more patience with patients (and doctors) getting comfortable with online e-health records, and had addressed some of its major weaknesses, the service might've become much healthier.” If patients are ensured that their records cannot be breached with the system in place, facilities will be able to use the system to its full potential. Doctors will be able to access a patient’s record in a timely manner and update them as the visit progresses. If a patient needs more care than what a family doctor can provide, a healthcare professional will be able to access the stored record and use the same ongoing record so a patient does not have to repeat filling out information. The future of healthcare have common goals that include allowing multiple physicians to communicate, allow healthcare providers access to the same ongoing patient record, and update a patients record so that it can be updated in real time. People are capable of breaching information of the internet and identity theft is a major concern. If security cannot be insured for patient records, people are more likely to reject the system and it will be more …show more content…

In order to integrate health information systems and ensure security of a patients stored information, I think it would be wise to incorporate more than one method in order to provide optimum security. Devices such as CD’s and USB drives can easily get lost, are unable to provide one hundred percent secure security and it slows down the process to provide a patient with care. Online storage clouds integrated with other forms of protection, like the patient card and pin number, can allow us to use online storage and better fight identities being stolen. The future of healthcare is technology centered and healthcare needs to be ready to embrace it. Health information systems have much to offer if they are developed properly. Health information systems have the potential to take the quality of patient care to a whole other level, a level that will increase efficacy an create a vessel for information to transfer. Making sure that information is securely stored and that the individual who is accessing that file from a storage database will not jeopardize a patient’s

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