Weak Points In Group Work

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Most people don’t have that many strong areas and others have very strong areas in their skills. Also some people skills are all good and have no problems with anything and don’t need to improve. There is nothing wrong with having weak points because you know that you can improve yourself and make things better. Also the strongest point you have is great because it can rub off on other people that need improvement. The skills you have can help you with jobs and activities also class work and some group work. My weakest point in my area is decision making. That is so because I’m unsure with what I do and sometimes don’t care of how I do this. Another thing is that I’m sometimes not that responsible and don’t think and just do and don’t think about the consequences. When I do make a choice it’s not the right one and me or other people end up getting hurt in the process. When I do make the right choice it’s too late but when it’s not I do make the right choice and no one gets hurt or I get a good grade and that’s when I really think about it but I really don’t think that much about the choices I make. …show more content…

That is because I don’t pay attention to the time when I do things. Then I get off track and start to stress and get frustrated and I try to manage my time but then I get caught up in other things and try to finis all my work but I start at different times. When I finally realize something my time is up and I get angry but for some reason I never learn and is always off time. Like when I get up for school I sit around on my hone for a second and when I’m finally done with stuff I don’t have time to get and I have to run out the house but I found a way to get myself on track and it helps me so I’m

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