We Are All Born Evil In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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We are all born evil, we just don’t know it until it is shown in society. In the beginning of the book, Golding shows us how we are all naïve at first. Although we aren’t always aware of our evil actions, evil isn’t something that is necessarily rare, whoever isn't evil: is rare. For example "he's not fatty", cried Ralph, his real name's Piggy". Piggy told Ralph to keep his name a secret, Ralph told the other boys without thinking, after Piggy asked him not to. Evil- a ticking time bomb.
What is the beast? The beast isn’t a real living creature, it is the fear of non-routine and when the inner evil is released. When the boys (mostly older) started to realize that they are on the island by themselves, they started to act differently. " I was choosing a place, said Jack I …show more content…

In this case savageness was addictive, the kids felt safer if hunting. Although, this was not the case, becoming savage made the kids become frightened of themselves. A group of young kids with bloody knives and the desire to kill. This made the boys very scared and changed their behavior.
Civilization started to disappear on the island. Even Ralph, the confident and chosen chief had given in to the savageness when he took a piece of meat from Jack who had left the fire unsupervised in order to go hunting with his hunters. The piece of meat represents the boy's loss of innocence and path to bad behavior from the civilized boys as well. This bad behavior affected everybody, especially the littleuns who had nightmares of the beast after seeing how things had changed. The island transformed from heaven to hell, once it was peaceful, eating fruits and sleeping in the shade, now the devil came out at night, it didn't come by itself, most of the boys had let free their instinct of savagery that existed all along.
The signal

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