Water Pollution In Bhutan Essay

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Water Pollution in Bhutan
1. What are the sources of water in Bhutan?
2. What activities in Bhutan cause water pollution?
3. What are the pollutants involved?
4. What are the consequences? Write in detail consequences on the Environment, on local people and the economy of the country.
5. Write measures are taken to curb or mitigate water pollution in Bhutan.
Bhutan is blessed with natural gift of rich environment and fresh water .Poeple of the country is blessed with clean environment and fresh drinking water as of now comparing to other developing nations. With increase in development activities Bhutan’s water is also getting polluted, risking for safe drinking water. The online dictionary meaning of Water pollution means when water bodies
The main sources of water in Bhutan are natural spring water, natural rivers/streams and deep groundwater and water quality is reported as first class conditions expect at localized urban areas. Four major river sinks are Amochhu, Wangchhu, Punatsangchhu and Manas.

The main activities that cause water pollutions in Bhutan are ongoing development and human actives such as urbanization, rapid growth of population, more hydro electric projects construction and other infrastructure development and industization activities which produce huge amount of waste leading contamination of water bodies in the country degrading quality of safe drinking water of the nation. Human waste and solid waste dumping in the rivers and urbanization waste water.
The pollutants involved in poisoning water resources in Bhutan are chemical waste produce from industries like automobile workshop and factories into river contaminating it with those waste and creating river pollution and risking the life aquatic species and also due change is pattern of human consumption producing more solid waste and dumping in
There will growth of water born diseases increasing health hazards and degradation of environment and ecosystems. This affects the natural environment system leading to exaction of some species. And the due contamination of water can also lower the production of agriculture products and other economy activities will decrease. If there will more water bodies pollution it also has negative effects on its environment there decline of economy of the country. Since more of the country budget have invest on the health sectors. The country major users of water are agriculture, intensification hydropower and industrialization. Urbanization is another significant challenge. Rural-urban migration increases pressure on urban infrastructure and services and cause environmental problems which will lead to water pollution.

The measures are taken to curb or mitigate water pollution in Bhutan are the formulation of Water Act 20011 with strong Guiding Elements such as
Ensure conservation and protection and sustainable management of Water Resources, Grant impartiality in water distribution and use and value traditional water rights if based on impartiality and public integrity. Ensure licensing of water for commercial uses; sustain international

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