Was The Vietnam War Justified Essay

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Often times in history, countries from foreign regions get involved in domestic wars even though they are located very far apart. From hindsight it almost always seems like the involvement in the war was completely unnecessary. With the U.S., they got involved in a war located all the way in Vietnam. Most modern citizens believe its involvement was completely unnecessary and a waste of weaponry and taxes. The Vietnam war built so much tension during its existence that even to this day there has still never been an official truce between the two sides. Many historians would agree with the statement that even though there are also many drawbacks and negative consequences for our involvement in the war, it was justified mainly because …show more content…

The United States had many goals and priorities when they made the move to participate in Vietnam. One goal was containment. In the year of 1949, China had given in to communism and later in the years following from 1950 to 1953, America sent troops to Korea to stop the spread of communism. Korea was also an aiming point for America mainly because of President Lyndon B. Johnson's belief in the domino effect. He believed that if Korea gave in to communism then so would Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the India as well. The South Vietnamese were clearly unable to fight back against communist attacks without help and in 1963 it was said that the South Vietnamese army was no more than "ill-equipped local militia who more often than not were killed asleep in their defensive positions.". In August of 1964, North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the American Warship USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin, and then later in February of 1965, they killed American soldiers stationed at American air bases. This proved to be the final straw and President Johnson finally came to the conclusion that the South Vietnamese alone would not be enough to win the war and he knew that a good government and large-scale war would be two essential factors which is why war was …show more content…

One is the fact that Vietnam was an alien environment for American troops. It's rainforests, mountains, and swampland worked vastly in favor of the North Vietnamese giving them well hidden staging areas for surprise attacks and also allowed for them to be supplied with reinforcements along the way on routes undetectable by U.S. air power. Also the extremely humid and tropical climate was unbearable for American troops, while the North Vietnamese had already adapted to it. With both the North and South Vietnamese being the same ethnicity, this led to cause more difficulty towards American troops because often times they were unable to tell them apart. It did not help when some South Vietnamese civilians would sometimes be difficult and uncooperative with American troops because of their feelings of sympathy toward the North Vietnamese, even though America was technically allies with them. The North Vietnamese were masters of taking advantage of their surroundings and became notorious for their booby traps. They would combine weaponry with stealth to create a unique form of attack called known as the element of surprise. These traps would catch many American troops off guard and were very fatal. Booby traps were also virtually undetectable which caused plenty of phycological pain as much as physical pain. The North Vietnamese also had hand-dug tunnels that they would scurry off to after

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