Was Reconstruction A Success Or Failure Essay

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Reconstruction is one of the most controversial periods in American history, lasting from 1863 till 1877. There were three main periods of Reconstruction were Lincoln’s 10% plan, Johnson’s Presidential Reconstruction, and finals the Congressional Reconstruction. Reconstruction’s main goals were reintegrating the formerly rebellious or slave population of the South. However despite Reconstruction’s noble goals it was mainly a failure, because it neglected to redistribute land to former slaves, failed to re-educate Southern whites, and ended before even accomplishing its own goals. During the civil war General William T. Sheman promised the former slaves land distribution in 40 acre plots. However, even though the Freedmen's Bureau confiscated land from white plantation owners to give to former slaves, it never actually redistributed that land, due to orders from President Johnson. This basically made slavery continue for the next 30 years, because slaves became sharecroppers working for pennies on their old master’s land. Without land the slaves never truly became free, because they were stuck in a vicious cycle of debt to the land’s owners. Without the creation of opportunities for former slaves Reconstruction largely caused …show more content…

To justify Slavery many Southern whites did not consider African Americans equally human intellectually and culturally. Such opinions were held by a large part of the South’s population and after the civil war it made it incredibly hard to former slaves to get jobs in the South. Reconstruction did almost nothing to re-educate the southern population on equality and explain to Southerners that African Americans are not inferior. Without re-education reconstruction could never succeed, because Whites in the south continued to consider black as second class

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