War Trauma Research Paper

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Do you think it’s fair that veterans come home getting treated unfairly, while they are suffering with war trauma? Sebastian Junger, an American Journalist and ex-soldier, has seen war up close, and he knows the impact that battlefield trauma has on soldiers. He believes that society can play a part in veterans returning from war. But the real facts are that many veterans come home with war trauma. Many veterans come home and suffer with everyday things such as Work and Getting along with others. There is a very high rate for veterans to come home and develop PTSD as a result from war trauma; this can lead to things such as suicide,substance abuse and depression. About 25% of veterans come back from war with PTSD or another …show more content…

In fact 55% of women and 38% of men reported MST coming out of the military.MST is a form of sexual assault this can leaved many people scared for a long amount of time. This is the crazy thing though there are more male veterans than female so, even though MST is more common in women veterans, over half of all veterans with MST are men. But don’t worry there is a way to get help . The Veterans Affairs office (VA) offers 200 treatment centers for veterans throughout the country that offer things like one-to-one mental health assessments, medications, one-to-one psychotherapy, family therapy, and group therapy. Also at anytime, if a veteran feels suicidal there is a suicide hot hotline @ 1-800-273-talk(8255) and press the #1 for veterans. The MOST important thing one can do is just be there and try to understand what the PTSD victim is going through this will let them know that they are not alone in the world,that they don’t have to feel alienated, and that they are loved . This why the mental health of veterans returning from war is a problem. 25% come back with war trauma having to suffer everyday from things like PTSD or MST . Some veterans are really suffering this also why they need to be shown love and kindness. They need to feel society’s support. So show your love for that member in your family let them know they are not

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