Walt Disneyland Persuasive Speech

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Anaheim is the city often unknown by foreigners and other visitors unless sprinkles of pixie dust are dropped above the sentence and the term Disneyland magically comes out. Disneyland is not something that just comes fully built, oh no, a theme park like this comes from an idea. The community can either thank or hate Walt Disney for his creation of this theme park. However, both locals and tourists receive a sense of excitement, even from the thought of entering the “magical world.” To this day, with the celebration of the 60th anniversary of it’s opening year, Disneyland continues to replace several original attractions with updated more advanced attractions. Although Disneyland is a large theme park with people dressed in oversized costumes, the smell from the kitchens of the various dining services offered, and Disney-centered shops, it is part of something larger; Anaheim’s cultural community. …show more content…

This idea leads to more ideas that come like lyrics to a song in Walt Disney’s mind filled with imagination. Before I can continue with that though, I must rewind to the year 1954 when the construction of the park begins. This idea is given the name Disneyland. As the construction of this project continues and the opening date approaches, six thousand invitations for the Grand Opening are being mailed to studio workers, construction workers, the press and company sponsor

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