Waiting For Lemon Teachers Essay

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Did you know that most schools have a lemon teacher? Those are the teachers that exploit the union by being a very poor performing teacher that has a secure job because the union states that cannot be fired and are guaranteed their jobs for up to 10 years. Another problem with lemon teachers are if they are “suspended”, they can still get paid. The documentary “Waiting for Superman” gave an example of the lemon teachers in New York still getting paid, even while they are suspended and are in a room to learn what they did wrong but instead they just play cards and sleep. School districts have seen a decline in the amount of effort that some teachers provide because of their teacher union contract, to change that the school districts would have …show more content…

In the documentary “Waiting for Superman” they state that in DC only 12% of students are proficient in reading. They also state that every school has a handful of “bad teachers” who principals want to get rid of, but according to the teacher’s union, these teachers cannot be fired, they are called lemon teachers. Also, according to Barnwell from The Atlantic, they state that it takes 10 years for teachers to become effective teachers, most of them get distracted too easily and get off topic, allowing for students to not receive the material completely. Barnwell also discusses how most teachers also disapprove of the No Child Left Behind act and teach the class the way they want and not the way there “supposed” to be taught, causing students to not be prepared for the county and statewide …show more content…

Getting experienced educators can be hard but work in the highest-need schools requires more than bonus pay. According to Bellock from the New York Times, “School officials have long bemoaned the cost and time it takes to dismiss a teacher, but the politically powerful teachers' union says the long procedure, which it has negotiated in its contract, is necessary to insure fairness.” Bellock also states that the teacher union says, “’Teachers deserve a second bite at the apple,’ said Yvette Geary, a teachers' union representative in District 4. ‘Sometimes it's a personal problem. Sometimes they can get help.’” Bellock also shared an incident where a teacher named Nick shouted across the room. ''Rude child!'' he aimed that towards Keivel, who was only 6. Teachers like this just rotate around and could affect other students too. So, should the school districts be allowed to give them other chances, if people were to mess up in very important jobs and affect millions of people, is it okay to give them another

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