Vietnam War Research Paper

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The Vietnam war was a conflict between southern Vietnam and the U.S. vs. the people of northern Vietnam. The conflict in Vietnam was sparked by a desire to combine the two separate countries that were separated by this imaginary line. When north Vietnam showed its perfidiousness nature towards southern Vietnam many tensions arose. North Vietnam thought it was their usufruct to control south Vietnam as they desired. This and many other tensions combined lead to the Vietnam war. The Vietnam war, although many lives were lost, turned out to be a vital step to extinguishing the communist rule in Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh, the Communist leader in north Vietnam, wanted to make Vietnam all communist. However, the people in southern Vietnam did not want to become communist. Ho Chi Minh sent adversaries to inform the southern Vietnamese of the communist way. The Viet Cong was a group of south Vietnamese who wanted to become Communist. The southern Vietnamese army fought against the Viet Cong in South Korea. The U.S. Started to send supplies to help the army of south Vietnam. All was well until northern Vietnam started to send troops to aid the Viet Cong. When the conflict escalated the Americans had to intervene in an attempt to keep the Communist power subsided.
The Vietnam war was a costly war …show more content…

By 1962, the U.S. Military sent 9,000 troops to fight the war alongside southern Vietnam. From 1956 to 1975 2.5 million Americans served in Vietnam. 1/3 of those troops were drafted and the others volunteered. There were 11,000 women serving as nurses and other non-combative roles. Although the civil rights movement just ended 12.5% of the troops were African Americans. The average age of the American soldier was 21. One in every 10 American soldiers was killed or wounded in Vietnam. 1,700 American soldiers have never been found, still to this day (1). The Vietnam war was a costly war but was fought because the underlying view of communism must be

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