Video Games and Violence

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Video Games and Violence Does violence in video games encourage wild behavior on impressionable children? A lot parents believe that their children are being influenced by video games to act a certain disrespectful way towards others or commit crimes. Yet, studies show that the arrests of juvenile teenagers have declined 71.9% while sales for popular, and violent, video games have increased 49.3% ("Crime in the United States, 2008," FBI website, Sep. 2009). Plus, a link between violent video games and rude behavior has not properly been connected. Video games do not pressurize teenagers, girls or boys, into violent personalities or to reenact the main characters performances. Video gamers aren’t encouraged by actions in the games they play because they have a sense of reality, the games they play can actually be an outlet for the rage they might hold in, and there are reasons for why games have ratings. First off, ratings on games were created for multiple reasons. Ratings, such as EC (early childhood, young children), E (everyone), E10+ (10 years old and up), T (teen, 13 years old and up), M (mature, 17 years and up), and A (adult, 18 years and up) (, are put on games depending on their content and gameplay to inform the player or the players’ parents about the game. Young children, according to the scale, should not be playing games rated over E10+. Games that are rated for kids obviously aren’t going to be as crude and will send out better messages for the child to learn, teaching the minor how to be a better person and about their personality. If a kid, say 10 years old, is playing Call of Duty, he doesn’t understand that what he is learning from this game is not a good one and wil... ... middle of paper ... ...ames do not encourage rude or violent behavior because they provide a secure outlet for the gamers’ angers, if they have any, the players are able to keep a sense of reality, and games are rated appropriately and accurately for your convenience. Video games do not tell anyone to act a certain way in real life. And while video game sales have gone up, arrest for teens has gone down. Even though many parents believe violent games encourage their kids to act a specific harmful way, a connection between violent personalities and video games has never been officially made. So, no, video games do not enforce rude behavior. Parents and other civilians should stop blaming games for violent encouragement, because if you continue to do so, you should also criticize the movies and media. Works Cited

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